Pure projection of Nazism onto the main and intended victims of Nazism. The Arab League aligned with the Nazi regime for the logistics of having the same enemies: British and Jews. But that is not all there was to the alliance. (The Mufti of Jerusalem resided more in Nazi Berlin than in Jerusalem from 1941-1945.) Both Pan-Germanism and Pan-Arabism had a great deal in common. Both aggressively advanced ethnic and linguistic supremacy across vast regions. In both cases, all who spoke the supreme language would be included. All who did not would be eliminated or subjugated. (Note the Islamic Revolution has shoved Arabic down the Farsi throat, and many resist learning Arabic as a colloquial language.) Under Pan-Arabism, no regional state that did not have Arabic (the language of the Koran) as its first language would be permitted to have national status in the region. This has affected the Kurds and others as well. 'Tolerated minority' was the best they would attempt. Like their hero, Hitler, Hamas believes in the concept of eternal war until the Islamic Caliphate is all over the place. The number of Gazans sacrificed to this goal is conceived of as pure martyrdom for Allah. Hitler, when asked by his generals about the millions of young men being lost on the Eastern Front responded that there are no individuals, only The Nation. And that HE was the embodiment of The Nation. One tiny Israel's very existence is enough to make Hamas and global Nazis crazy. They also hate Israel's enormous ethnic-social diversity and democratic regime (flawed though it may be).

Am Yisroel Chai!

shalom / salaam (See...two languages can coexist.)

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Great piece. Kol Hakavod. ישר כח

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Thank you, Gordon. Shanah Tovah.

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